Waking up and making a fresh cup of coffee may be the highlight of your morning. After all, there’s nothing better than smelling fresh coffee beans. But, then, whipping up a favorite cup of coffee is all the more enjoyable!
Even if you’re a seasoned coffee maker, there are still things you could be doing to make delicious coffee. And it all starts with correctly storing your coffee beans.
To ensure you’re storing your beans the right way, keep reading. These dos and don’ts of coffee bean storage will result in you enjoying only the best coffee!
Do Store Your Beans in an Airtight Container
If you want your coffee beans to last, it’s essential to put them in an airtight container.
Premium coffee often comes in a one-way valve foil bag. If you purchase coffee beans like this, keep them in there. The bag lets gas escape but won’t allow air inside it.
If your beans don’t come in a foil bag, get yourself a special canister to keep them fresh.
Here are different types of canisters that are worth the investment:
- BlinkOne coffee canister
- Friis coffee vault
- Airscape coffee canister
- Vacuum sealed canister
Some of these canisters are expensive. But keeping your coffee beans fresh should be a top priority!
Don’t Store Your Beans Forever
Storing your beans is one thing, but don’t forget that they’re there! If you have beans ready for you to make a delicious cup of coffee, use them!
Ideally, you should use your beans within one to two weeks of purchasing them. Of course, you may use them after that point, but the flavor and quality will lessen.
Do Buy the Right Amount
Since it’s best to use beans within one to two weeks, you don’t want to go overboard on how many you buy.
If possible, only buy what you plan to use in the next couple of weeks. Sometimes this isn’t possible, especially if your favorite coffee beans only come in a large bag.
But, do your best only to buy what you plan to use. That way, you can enjoy the best and freshest coffee there is.
Don’t Refrigerate Them
Keeping your beans cool is very different from refrigerating them. Putting them in a cool spot ensures they stay fresh, but refrigerating them is a big no-no.
Why is refrigerating them bad? Refrigeration results in the beans becoming moist, which will quickly ruin them.
Do Get Beans and Not Grounds
Since you’re after a rich, delicious taste, it’s best to get whole beans. Grounds make your life easier. You don’t have to grind them up!
There are all sorts of beans you can enjoy. What’s not to love about American roast, French roast, Italian roast, and Vienna roast?
As opposed to grounds, coffee beans taste better and maintain their freshness longer. So, unless you plan to use your grounds right away, it’s always better to get whole beans.
Don’t Expose Them to Moisture
A sure way to ruin your beans is by exposing them to heat and moisture. Putting them in a dark spot in your kitchen is ideal, but make sure it isn’t damp.
Unfortunately, humidity causes condensation on roasted coffee beans. Once that happens, your expensive beans will go bad!
Do Divide Up Your Beans
Instead of buying a single coffee canister to hold all your beans, think about purchasing a few smaller ones. That way, you can divide up your beans!
Dividing up your beans into smaller portions will ensure they don’t get disturbed as often. The more often you open up the container, the more the beans will get exposed to oxygen and light.
So, by having more than one container, you can keep some of your beans unopened and in tip-top shape! Now, be sure to remember which canister you’re using. Otherwise, opening them both will defeat the purpose!
Coffee beans may take some babying to stay fresh, but it’s worth it if you want to have the best coffee experience.
Storing your beans in a dark spot in an airtight container is one of the best tips to remember. Also, try to use up all your beans in a week or two.
If you’re new to the coffee world, don’t sweat it if it takes a while to figure out the dos and don’ts. And if you’re an experienced coffee maker, there is always more to learn.
No matter the skill level, these tips will guide you along the way!